Peyton LeDrew
MCO 425: Digital Media Literacy I
Quinlyn Shaughnessy
Digital Journal – January 18th, 2025
Welcome to my 24-Hour Media Diary for the 18th of January 2025. I wanted to specifically journal my Saturday off since I don’t work on weekends.
9:00 AM
I woke up at 9 AM to my alarm on my phone. Yes, I slept in on the weekend, and the first thing I did was check my texts. I had to respond to the family group chat about plans for Olive Garden, which gave me something to look forward to today. After looking at some memes my brothers sent me on Instagram, I switched over to TikTok, where I doom-scrolled for about an hour. I have a hard time staying awake, so having delicious blue light from my phone screen helps.
10:30 AM
Daily morning hygiene routine complete, I sat at my desk and booted up my PC. I had just built a brand-new one the other day, and I am still transferring files. I ran into an issue with my graphics card deciding to shut off randomly, so I searched Google and Reddit for others who had the same problem. Someone suggested uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers. After several failed attempts, I decided to take another approach. I unplugged the power to the GPU, swapped it for another cable, and—problem solved. Easily an hour of my day was wasted troubleshooting.
I also built a PC for my girlfriend, and her GPU sags because it’s too heavy. This is a problem because you don’t want the parts to break. So, I found a Bulbasaur 3D model and sent the link to my friend, who owns a 3D printer, and asked him to print it for us.
11:30 AM
Around this time, I got ready for Olive Garden. I used Google Maps to find the correct location and drove there with my girlfriend and siblings. While driving, I listened to Spotify and decided to bug my siblings by playing Hatsune Miku songs. They had to suffer for thirty minutes there and back.

3:30 PM
We had to wait about 40 minutes before being seated at Olive Garden and spent two hours eating and talking with family. After arriving home, I continued to work on my computer and, in between, scrolled through TikTok. Today is the last day of TikTok before it is banned in the US, so I decided to make the most of it before I am set free. I really need my attention span back.
6:00 PM
At this time, I was ready to relax with the most relaxing game there is: Fortnite. Now, I don’t enjoy Fortnite, but my girlfriend and brothers do, so I tagged along to enjoy some time with them. We played several rounds. Right now, Godzilla has a random chance of spawning and attacking the map, and we were lucky enough to witness this event.
8:30 PM
My friend messaged me to let me know the 3D print was finished. We drove over to his place and picked it up. It was a very cute Bulbasaur—my girlfriend’s favorite Pokémon.

9:30 PM
I was ready for bed, so we loaded up Hulu and put on an anime. I didn’t care about the specific show; I continued scrolling through TikTok until I was ready to sleep.
Closing Thoughts
This exercise has shown me how integrated media is in my daily life, from productivity tools to entertainment. Today just so happened to be a very interesting day where I relied heavily on media to get me through my day.